Friday, September 28, 2007

Please Note "Change of Route" for Hartford's Homecoming Parade

We have just been alerted to a change in the Friday, October 5th, Homecoming Parade Route that we had planned to watch from "Hammerin' Hanks" in Downtown Hartford.

We can still gather at "Hank's" around noon for lunch and/or drinks, but around 1:00 to 1:30 we'll need to move a block or two WEST to be able to see the parade.

The Hartford Union High School Homecoming Parade starts at 1:15 from St. Kilian's and proceeds east on State Street to Main Street. Turning right on Main Street, the parade will continue south to Hartford's main crossroads. At Sumner Street (Highway 60), the parade will turn right and proceed west for a block and stop in front of the First National Bank. The band will play a tune and there will be a brief "ribbon-cutting" ceremony to celebrate the opening of "the new & improved" Highway 60 (which has been closed for repairs all summer).

IF you'd like to find our group "out on the mean streets of Hartford," look for the "Class of '62 Reunion" sign.

IF you're too near-sighted to see a sign, just give the "Class of '62" CHEER: "Who? Who? Who? (loud & fierce, like an owl) and we'll cheer back: "Class of '62!"

IF you can't make this Homecoming Parade Gathering, we hope you can make the 5:00 P.M. "Friday Fish Fry" at the Hartford Golf Club, the 7:00 P.M. Homecoming Football Game with its
Alumni Tent and, especially, the 45th Reunion of the "Class of '62" on Saturday, October 6th, at the Iron Ridge Restaurant, gathering at 5:00 P.M.

IF you can't make any of this fun time, please check our "Class of '62 Blog Spot in a couple of weeks at to view photos taken at these gala events.

Thanks for your time and attention to this matter!

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